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4/11/2020 Weekly article

The Lord Rests from His Labor

And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done (Genesis 2:2). After creating everything, God rested from His work. At this point, everything was perfect and very good. Perfection was quickly undone as Adam and Eve gave in to temptation and thrust the world into sin, but our gracious God promised that One would come to crush the head of the serpent and bring life back to our fallen world.

Today, this promise has been fulfilled. God’s Son has fulfilled the Law, borne our sin, and laid down His life to win us forgiveness and put an end to Satan. Now, for the work that He has done in His creation, Jesus is at rest, lying in a tomb, having accomplished all that the Father had sent Him to do. On Easter morning will come the day of the new creation when Jesus will rise from the dead and restore life to our world. Jesus now brings new life to you. Sin is gone, death is overcome, and life eternal with God is ours once again!


4/10/2020 Weekly article

The Price

[Jesus] said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit (John 19:30b).

Holy Week comes to a screeching halt as we stand at the foot of Jesus’ cross and watch this event play out. Jesus has been crucified. He has suffered physically. He has carried the tremendous spiritual burden as He hung on the cross. Then He dies. He dies!

Let the tears of sorrow flow. Our Lord dies upon that cursed cross. But wait a moment, is not that what we cried out on Sunday? “Hosanna! Save us!” Did we not ask the Lord to save us from eternal damnation? Did we think it did not come with a price?

The price was beyond what you and I could ever pay. Never in our life could we fulfill the demands of the law. So we cried out, “Hosanna!” In order to save us, the sinless Son of God goes to the cross. He suffers and dies upon that cross in order to pay the price that we are unable to pay. His response to our “Hosanna” was to give up His life for us. There, on the cross, we see our salvation. Thank You, Jesus.


4/9/2020 Weekly article

A Meal That Lasts to Eternity

Today, the Church begins three holy days of meditation on Christ’s Passion and the gifts He leaves for His Church. These days begin with the Last Supper as Jesus celebrates the Passover one last time, and establishes a memorial meal that will continue to be celebrated until Christ returns in glory. Jesus gives the disciples bread saying, “Take, eat; this is my body.” He then gives them the cup saying, “Take, drink; this is my blood.” This meal is Jesus’ last will and testament. It is His gift to the disciples and to the Church, and one that God’s people still gather around to remember our Lord’s grace toward us.

Maundy Thursday is a blessed day to recall the ongoing feast that Christ sets before us of His body and blood, given for the forgiveness of sins … given “for you.” Your sins are forgiven in this meal, for it is you that Christ had in mind as He made his way from this table to the cross, dying to save you and rising to secure your place at the banquet table of heaven!


4/5/2020 Weekly article

Hosanna! Save us!

So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13).

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. The people cry, “Hosanna!” We join with them, crying out, “Hosanna!” Save us! Save us from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Save us from ourselves. Save us from our sinfulness. Save us from eternal damnation. “Hosanna!”

Yes, we cry out with those words on this day and every day. The joy which we have is the knowledge that our Lord does save us. He gives His life for us, for our salvation.

Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who still cry out, seeking someone or something to save them. The mission that we have been given is to share the Gospel with all people. Through its many mission grants, the LWML continues to support the mission of the Church, which is to reach the lost with the message of the Gospel.

As you go into Holy Week, lift up your voice and sing, “Hosanna!” As you do so, remember to place that coin in your Mite Box to support the work of reaching out to others in response to their great need.


3/29/2020 Weekly article

Thank You, Jesus!

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14).

Next week is Holy Week. As we prepare to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, we remember His ultimate sacrifice. Fulfilling His Father’s will, Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin, death, and the devil. He redeemed us and because of Him, we know, without a doubt, that heaven will one day be our home … our true home. What an awesome God we have!

Sadly, there are many people in our world who do not yet know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. What can we do? How can we share His Gospel truth? In grateful prayer, we ask that our mite offerings be used as blessings as they fund mission grants throughout the world. Click here to discover more about how the pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and paper currency we put in our Mite Boxes multiply LWML’s outreach to others.

God bless you as you share His love,


3/22/2020 Weekly article

Sharing Water

“The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14b).

Water is a basic necessity for life. As a youngster growing up in rural South Dakota, I remember when our well went dry. Waiting for a new well to be dug was a hassle. We conserved water and even shared bathwater! Being the only girl, I was allowed to bathe first. We all jumped for joy when the well-diggers struck water.

Over the years, several of our LWML Mission Grants have helped provide clean water. Currently, 2019–2021 LWML Mission Grant #1,“Water and the Word for Rural Schools in Kenya,” is one of those grants. More important, however, than water which comes from an earthly well, is the living water Christ gives us through His grace and mercy. He wants us to share eternity with Him and has made us His children through the waters of Holy Baptism.

I thank God for the opportunity the LWML has to share water for drinking and bathing, but also to provide the knowledge of His living water to others throughout the world.


3/15/2020 Weekly article

Sing His Praises

I have always loved to sing but never had a pleasing voice. In fact, my eighth grade vocal coach asked me to quit! In church, though, God doesn’t care if you have a beautiful voice. He loves to hear you sing HIS praises! In the Psalms alone there are 21 references to singing. Psalm 95:1 is a favorite: Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Joy and singing just seem to go together. I can think of no greater joy than singing praises to our God.

Do you begin your LWML Bible studies and meetings with song? LWML women love to sing. Try starting your next meeting with a joyful song of praise to our Lord! Then, try one of our program helps for resources on icebreakers, devotions, Bible studies, and mission service projects. Check out the 2019–2021 reSOURCEs for Planning Programs by clicking here.



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