Since 1924, KFUO has been reaching people far and wide with the message of Jesus Christ by using the latest technology. In the last century, technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate and continues to develop with each new year. Incorporating the newest forms of communication methods into KFUO’s ministry, they can more effectively reach the younger generation and the generations to come with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even our Nation’s military can listen wherever they are stationed. Aging family and friends who are confined to their homes can still be gathered to the Word through an iPad or similar device. Prison Ministry also utilizes KFUO as an effective way of sharing the Gospel. This grant will assist the station in sharing the gospel and staying current in the digital age.
WHEREAS, Jesus speaks in Matthew 18:20, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,” and in Romans 10:17, “so faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.”; and
WHEREAS, KFUO is the longest continually operating Christian radio station in the United States and owned and operated by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod; and
WHEREAS, KFUO.org continually provides on the radio, online, on-demand and mobile-app worship opportunities, bible studies, Christian education and conversation to those who many times are isolated around the world, in the military, prisons, nursing homes, or those frequently confined to their homes; and
WHEREAS, KFUO's programming includes Bible studies, theological and social commentary, and Lutheran sacred music, providing witness to all generations wherever located, included in countries where we do not have missionaries; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $60,000 to help fund Christ for You, Anytime, Anywhere.