Wind River Lutheran Mission

Spring at the Mission 2018

Christmas program 2017

Vacation Bible School 2018

Christmas program 2016
Wind River Lutheran Mission (WRLM) works with the Shoshone and Arapaho tribes and is currently the only existing full-time mission with a pastor living on site. In this high poverty area of Native Americans, children receive little or no support when it comes to Christian education. A large part of this ministry focuses on outreach to the children of the Wind River Reservation. Very few children can acquire transportation to attend bible classes at Fort Washakie and Crowheart. Parents allow WRLM staff to pick up their children and take them to Sunday school or VBS. In most instances this is the only opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ with children living on the reservation. With a suitable vehicle purchased with this grant money, children will be able to continue the approximately eighty-eight mile round trip for Sunday school at Fort Washakie and the sixty mile round trip for “Monday” school at Crowheart.
WHEREAS, we are given the Great Commission of "Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."(Matthew 28:19); and
WHEREAS, the people of the Wind River Indian Reservation are in need of the Good News of Christ; and
WHEREAS, the transportation needs of the people of the Wind River Indian Reservation are great and the Wind River Lutheran Mission is unable to finance the cost of reliable transportation; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $40,000 to help fund Wind River Indian Reservation Transportation.