As a teacher, I made many lesson plans. Sometimes they worked well; sometimes they needed to be refocused or adjusted. Life is much the same, isn’t it? We would be happy to always have things go as planned and not make any changes ... ever! However, in the real world that doesn’t happen. Occasionally, plans need to be reworked or completely changed.
Is your LWML group ready for a new plan? One that might involve doing things a little differently in order to reach those women who don’t currently participate in LWML activities?
Could your group:
- begin a new ministry (knit or crochet prayer shawls for the sick or home bound, concluding your time praying over the shawls and those who will receive them); or
- plan a party (have a game night in the fellowship hall complete with popcorn and a family devotion); or
- host a mini-retreat on a Saturday morning (complete with brunch, a family-friendly Bible study and lots of singing)?
The possibilities for reaching other women and sharing the love of LWML are endless, but the reaching out has to come from us ... and that may require planning as well as doing things differently. With the help of God, the Divine Planner, we can do it!
Deaconess Betty Knapp
Mustard Seeds Task Force