LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Military Kit
- Hand sanitizer
- Beef jerky / Slim Jims
- Energy bars
- Powdered energy / electrolyte replacement drink mix
- Chewing gum
- Sunflower seeds
- Popcorn
- Personal hygiene gear: disposable razors, toothbrush and toothpaste
- Eye wash / drops for flushing dust and sand out of the eyes
- Zipper seal plastic storage bags — assorted sizes, heavier freezer style are better
- Plastic containers for storing snacks
- Mustard Seeds Simple Trust or Living in Faith from Concordia Publishing House
- Information about Military BibleSticks that their chaplain can order from the Military BibleStick web site.
- Letter of thanks and personal prayer for them
View Military Kit — printable PDF
Download Military Kit — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Birthday Kit (homeless shelter)
- Disposable 9X13 pan
- Cake mix
- Can of frosting
- Candles
- Party favors
- Invitations
- Bible story book
- This week’s bulletin from church
Shelter Welcome Kit
Gallon size zipper seal plastic bags to hold:
- Lip balm
- Packages of tissues
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Comb
- Soap
- Trail mix, granola bars, or crackers
- Pack of gum
- Bandages
- Mouthwash
- Nail clippers
- Travel size shampoo and conditioner
- Small travel box of detergent
Living in Prayer Mustard Seeds
- Gift card for food or drinks
- Tied fleece blanket
- Crocheted sleeping mat
Winter Care Kit for Homeless
(keep in car for when you see someone in need)
- Pocket tissues
- Throat lozenges
- Body lotion for dry skin
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Knit stocking cap/scarf
- Rain poncho
- Pair of gloves
- Tube socks
- Mylar blanket
- Hand warmers
- Highlighted pocket Bible
- Crocheted sleeping mat
- Protein bar (soft, not crunchy or hard)
- Socks
- Breath mints
- Fast-food gift card
Masters Card from LWML or other Christian Tract
View Homeless Kits — printable PDF
Download Homeless Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
College Finals Week Kit
- Snack food
- Fun desk items
- iTunes gift cards
- Energy drinks
- Relaxation items
- Vitamin C
- Personal care items
- Antacids
- Restaurant gift card
- A personal note of encouragement
Walking With my Lord Mustard Seeds
Off to College Kit
- Flashlight: God will help you find your way; Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).
- Duct Tape: God sticks with you; It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed (Deuteronomy 31:8-9).
- Poncho: God is your protection; You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word (Psalm 119:114).
- Para cord Keychain; God will save you; For God has no destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
- Hand Sanitizer; God washes your sins away; If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
- Pencils; God’s Word is written for you! I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart (Psalm 40:8).
College 101: A Christian Survival Guide from Concordia Publishing House
View College Kits — printable PDF
Download College Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Treats for Construction Workers
- Case of water
- Bars or cookies
- Christian tract
- Church pamphlet with invitation to worship
View Treats for Construction Workers — printable PDF
Download Treats for Construction Workers — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
New Mom’s Kit
- Mustard Seeds Love, Laughter and Lullabies
- Inspirational bookmark from the LWML Store
- Small package of cookies
- A devotional booklet — "Dear Mother"
- Salts for a foot soak
- Stretch mark cream
- A devotional journal — “A Sparrow’s Worth”
- Home-cooked meal delivered (that can be frozen for later)
- Mom and baby picture frame
- Snuggly knit slippers
- Tied fleece baby blanket
New Baby Kit
- Baby powder
- Baby wash
- Baby lotion
- Fleece blanket
- Q-tips
- Socks
- Washcloths
- Pacifier
- Baby toy or LWML Bear
My Gifts from God from Concordia Publishing House
My First Bible from Concordia Publishing House
View New Mom and New Baby Kits — printable PDF
Download New Mom and New Baby Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Cancer Care Kit
- Washcloths (colorful, fun ones)
- A pretty scarf or hat for when she loses her hair
- Slipper/cozy socks
- Knitted prayer shawl
- Large soup mug with homemade soup mixes
- Lip balm for chapped lips
- Hypoallergenic body lotion
Blessings and Prayers for Those with Cancer from Concordia Publishing House
- Devotional book
- A woman’s Bible such as The Lutheran Bible Study, Today’s Light Devotional Bible, and Today’s Light Journal, from Concordia Publishing House.
- Personal love notes tied together with pretty ribbon
- Word puzzle or Sudoku book
- Peppermint candies or Ginger tea to combat nausea, mouth sores and dry mouth
- Chemo caps
- Sleep eye mask
- Heat packs for neck, eyes, feet etc.
- Breast reconstruction pillow or body pillow
- Seatbelt pillows and cushions
- A free massage (masseuse will come to them)
- Donate hair for wigs
View Cancer Care Kits — printable PDF
Download Cancer Care Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 12, 2018 11:00 AM
System Administrator