LWML Toolkits
LWML Toolkits are kit suggestions that you may use for Gifts from the Heart collections in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure everyone knows where your kits will be donated before you start collecting items. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to make sure they are able to take the kits, if there are items they are not allowed to include, and how many kits they may currently need. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This First Responder Kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
First Responder Kit
- Drawstring bag to contain items
- Hand sanitizer
- Pocket tissues
- Band-Aids
- Beef jerky / Slim Jims
- Energy bars / granola bars
- Trail mix packets
- Powdered electrolyte replacement drink mix
- Chewing gum / hard candy / mints
- Cough drops
- A gift card to a local coffee shop
- Lip balm
- Bottled water
- Small spiral memo pad and pen
- Sporting event tickets donated by a local major or minor league sports team
- Mustard Seeds Simple Trust or Living in Faith from Concordia Publishing House
- Note of thanks with indication that you are praying for them
Specific to situations when children are involved:
- A small stuffed animal
- A small blanket
- Coloring book and crayons
View First Responder Kit — printable PDF
Download First Responder Kit — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
September 06, 2019 4:12 PM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkits
LWML Toolkits are kit suggestions that you may use for Gifts from the Heart collections in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure everyone knows where your kits will be donated before you start collecting items. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to make sure they are able to take the kits, if there are items they are not allowed to include, and how many kits they may currently need. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This Teacher Kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Teacher Kit
Remember that men teach also! Keep kits gender-neutral when personal care items are included.
- Hand sanitizer
- Pocket tissues
- Band-Aids
- Small sized pain reliever (e.g. Tylenol or Advil)
- Powdered energy drink mix with caffeine
- Energy bars / granola bars
- Trail mix packets
- Hard candy / mints
- Cough drops
- Lip balm
- Hand cream
- Deodorant
- Dental floss
- Scented candle
- Refreshing lotion for feet
- An eye mask or neck wrap
- Gift card to a local coffee shop
- Gift card to a local store where school supplies may be purchased
- A mug or small desk plaque with an encouraging Bible verse such as Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
- Mustard Seed Devotions, Praise and Patience or Joy in Our Daily Lives from Concordia Publishing House
- Devotional for teachers, Splashes of Grace from Concordia Publishing House
- Personal note of thanks and prayer for them
View Teacher Kit — printable PDF
Download Teacher Kit — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
September 06, 2019 3:57 PM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Baptism Kit
Baptism birthday card from LWML store
- Mustard Seeds Love, Laughter and Lullabies
- The devotional booklet Dear Mother
- Picture book: God’s Own Child I Dearly Say It by Jonathan Meyer/Gloria Dei Publishing available for purchase on Amazon.com
- Create a Baptism banner with the child’s name and baptism birthday
- A handprint kit with baptismal theme or a Bible verse
- A framed photo from baptismal day
- Send Cradle Roll materials as the child grows such as Growing in Christ Nursery Roll packet from Concordia Publishing House (CPH)
- A lamb stuffed animal, suitable for babies. Some are available with the song Jesus Loves Me
- Purchase Anniversary of Baptism Candle from CPH to light on baby’s baptism birthday
- A frame for the Baptism Certificate
- Purchase a cross for baby’s room
View Baptism Kit — printable PDF
Download Baptism Kit — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 20, 2018 9:41 AM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Kit for Sick Children
- Bubbles
- Story books about Jesus such as Arch Books from Concordia Publishing House
The Story of Jesus Coloring and Activity Book from Concordia Publishing House
- CDs
- Stress ball
- View Master or other small toy
- Popsicles or freeze pops
- Visit from child’s friends
Children’s Hospital Kit
- Create a card
- Memory labels and put in Children’s Bible
- Fleece tied blankets
- Sleepers and bibs
- Coloring book and crayons
- Balloons
- Sew or donate Teddy Bears
View Sick or Hospitalized Child Kits — printable PDF
Download Sick or Hospitalized Child Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 12:45 PM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Shut-In and Nursing Home Visit Kit
- Large print address book filled with family, friends, etc.
- Large print calendar with family birthdays (etc.) entered
- Stationery/notecards with stamps and return address labels
- Playing cards
- Large print crossword/Sudoku puzzle books
- Light-up magnifier or page magnifier
Hymns of Faith CD from Concordia Publishing House or CD of local church service
- Large-print Mustard Seed devotions
- Mustard Seed devotions packet or booklet
- Homemade heating pads (made with rice)
- Personal hygiene items (shampoos, lotions, lip balms)
- Bible-themed bookmark/tract.
- Picture books for Memory Care Unit
- Walker tote and/or pouch
- Create cards
- Homemade flowers
- Send flowers with inspirational card
View Shut-In and Nursing Home Visit Kit — printable PDF
Download Shut-In and Nursing Home Visit Kit — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 12:35 PM
System Administrator

LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Prison Inmates
- Marked Bibles
- Create cards
- Visit
- Money card available at the prison which can be used to purchase snacks
View Prison Inmate Kits — printable PDF
Download Prison Inmate Kits — Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 12:30 PM
System Administrator
LWML Toolkit Kits
LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.

Orphan Grain Train can use supplies for hygiene kits, school kits, etc. They also collect medical supplies and a variety of miscellaneous items. Please click here to go to the Orphan Grain Train web site for details.
Additionally, you may wish to include copies of My Very First Holy Bible from Concordia Publishing House

Lutheran World Relief collects personal care, school supply, baby care and fabric kits for distribution around the world. Please click here to go to the Lutheran World Relief web site for details.
View this page as a printable PDF
Download this page as a Word doc
Find more kit suggestions in the LWML Toolkit Kits here.
Posted on
April 13, 2018 10:19 AM
System Administrator