Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Summer 2021 "Therefore …"

Editor's Note
At the 1999 LWML Convention, women from Nigeria, Ghana, Russia, Guatemala, India, and the Philippines were invited to attend. Some came alone. Some came in pairs. Some spoke English. Some did not. Therefore … the five of us on the Christian Outreach Committee were blessed to serve as their hosts and guides. It certainly was a life-changing experience for us all. Some of them were overwhelmed by the opulence of our country. Most of us were amazed at the way we all invented non-verbal communication when it was necessary. One of my favorite memories was the sight of a lady from Russia and a lady from Ghana, each who spoke only her own language, sitting, deeply engaged in a loving, non-verbal conversation.
Awaiting us is the 2021 LWML Convention. No longer do we have to wait for ladies from other nations to come to us; invite those who live near you. Although not everyone can go to Lexington to run the race, God empowers each of us to run — or change — with eyes fixed on Him. In Lexington, we will study His Word, meet new
friends, and learn of many ways to share His Gospel. It has been said that we should never leave such a meeting without experiencing change. Therefore … how will we run the race when we go home? How can we change?
This issue contains stories of women who have come to this country — women whom God changed. Many people have touched their lives throughout their journeys — some for a short time — some for a lifetime. Therefore … how can we be God’s willing hands and feet? Use the Bible studies and devotions as you deepen your walk with Him. Even if you feel ill-equipped to the task, even when you must use non-verbal communication, even though your sharing is a simple love of gardening or trading recipes with those from others cultures, God can use each of us as His love and Gospel are shared. Am I — are you — ready and willing to run the race?
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
2 | No Child Left Behind
4 | My Journey with Jesus
7 | Out of Darkness Into Christ’s Light
11 | For Me to Live is Christ
13 | Answered Prayer
In Every Issue
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms
3 | INK Spot
14 | Grants at Work: Reaching the Poorest of the Poor or read it online here
15 | SPECIAL: 2021–2023 Mission Grant Proposals
16 | Special Focus Ministries
24 | The Heart of LWML (formerly Lutheran Women in Action)
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President’s Page — Surrounded and Supported
Bible Studies
available to download and print
18 | Therefore … — Bible Study
| Therefore … — Leader Guide
19 | Por tanto … — Estudio Bíblico
20 | Come Unto Me, Ye Weary — Bible Study
22 | When I Am Weak, He Is Strong — Bible Study
When I Am Weak, He Is Strong — Leader Guide