Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Summer 2023 "Proclaiming Christ"
Editor's Note

My husband and I play summer (outdoor) golf with friends. The guys have found a new, cold weather, way to practice before hitting the area courses. An indoor golf simulator center helps them hone their skills: driving, putting, and getting out of those annoying traps. They’ve played St. Andrew’s (Scotland), Pebble Beach (California), Myrtle Beach (South Carolina), and Nine Dragons (China), all by driving about 10 minutes from home, all for the purpose of playing better when they get out on an actual course. When they succeed, celebration ensues. They joyfully and readily proclaim it!
Me? I play for fun. I’m the one anyone else can beat, so, content in my role, I don’t practice at the simulator.
Recently, my morning devotion asked, “Do you have a plan?” Do I have a plan to proclaim Christ to others? As a Girl Scout from age seven to 17, I was taught BE PREPARED is a goal, not just for a season or an activity, but for a lifetime. As a child of God, He teaches this lifetime preparedness on a deeper level. Are we prepared to get out of the traps that Satan sets when we proclaim God? Will we be prepared to drive, by the Spirit’s power, the message of salvation forward? When we’re face to face with someone, can we gently tap the Gospel message into the hungry hole in the heart that needs to hear it? Or … are we content not to plan or practice and, consequently, not be as prepared when the opportunity comes to proclaim Christ? Are you — am I — always prepared in our hearts … to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect … (1 Peter 3:15)?
Proclaim with gentleness and respect and JOY! Who wants to celebrate with a harsh sourpuss? Rejoice with others, like those in the stories of this issue, who celebrate with their writing, their speaking, their talents, and their urgency to share the Gospel.
As we … Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among the peoples! (Psalm 96:3), let’s “Celebrate the Lord of the Nations,” not just in Milwaukee, but in each day of our lives.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
8 | Mil Generaciones — 1,000 Generations
| September to Remember — 2023 Giving Day
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms — Psalm 96
14 | Grants at Work: MOST Making a Difference to the Ends of the Earth or read it online here.
15 | Mission Grant Summaries
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President’s Page — We Joyfully Proclaim Christ
available to download and print
16 | Proclamando a Cristo con Sencillez y Urgencia — Bible Study
Proclamando a Cristo con Sencillez y Urgencia — Leader Guide
17 | Proclaiming Christ Simply and with Urgency — Leader Guide
18 | Be Assured! — Leader Guide
20 | Here am I. Send Me! — Bible Study
Here am I. Send Me! — Leader Guide
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Future Quarterly Themes:
WINTER 2023: Equipping Women
(Submit by July 1, 2023)
How does God equip His people?
… may the God of peace … our Lord Jesus Christ, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ … (Hebrews 13:20–21).
Spring 2024: Serving Others
(Submit by October 1, 2023)
How does God gift me to serve?
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).