
LWQ Winter 2012

Winter 2012  Better Together: Male | Female Relationships

nullIt takes a team. It takes a village. It takes the collaboration of each person on the list to the right to puzzle together this magazine.

Our all-volunteer LWQ staff members, under the guidance of His Spirit, collectively plan, plot, and pray each issue into existence. We are thoroughly convinced we have the happiest job in the LWML.

The rest of the people in the column, the LWML Executive Committee and Business Administrator, pray daily that the Quarterly reach not only into the hearts of many LCMS women, but also that the magazine’s paper version or the new digital option will find its way into hands and homes beyond its current subscribers.

These leaders promote the LWQ widely in their congregations and among their friends; they faithfully complete the Bible studies with their LWML groups; and they submit articles and offer suggestions for writers and themes.

But a distinctive aspect of the publication of this magazine is the working relationship that exists between the Editor-in-Chief and the “guys” listed there.

The responsibility of the LWML Counselor assigned to the LWQ staff is to complete the initial doctrinal review for each issue before sending it on to the Synod reviewer for final approval; doing so ensures our readers that the contents of each Quarterly align with the teachings of the LCMS.

The LWML Counselor and I are “hitched” for a span of two years, meaning that we produce eight LWQ issues together. Over the course of time, I have had the opportunity to work alongside some of the finest theologians and most gracious teachers I have ever met. I have treasured our partnership for the Gospel, which is marked by their generous time commitment, good-humored patience, and a willingness to go the distance.

It doesn’t get any “better together” than having had these brothers in Christ as my colleagues: the Revs. Gnewuch, Mattil, Whitby, and Heckmann — Carl, Mike, Kris, and John.

All to His glory,
Nancy Graf Peters


     Special LWML Convention Insert, revised PDF
  3 The Journeys of a Father's Daughter PDF
  4 BETTER TOGETHER: Jeff and Cheryl PDF 1.16 MB
10 Better Together: Co-workers in the Church PDF
12 Hanging by a Cord of Three Strands: Marriage at Work PDF
14 Convention Welcome, President Kreklau PDF
17 Cord of Three Strands, a poem PDF
19 Erica and Mark: Better Together PDF
27 Quarterly "A Cup with Kay" Contest PDF

In Every Issue

  1 President's Page PDF
  9 Young Women's Page PDF
15 Shop LWML PDF
24 Gifts of Love PDF
25 Lutheran Women in Action PDF
28 Grants @ Work: Together on the Border PDF
29 LWML Mission Grants Update PDF

Bible Studies

16 Regarding Relationships - Leader Notes PDF
16 Regarding Relationships PDF
18 A Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation - Leader Notes PDF
18 A Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation PDF
20 A Time to Mourn: Ecclesiastes 3:4 PDF
22 Tiempo de Llorar: Eclesiastés 3:4 PDF


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