Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Cancelled Stamps Program
updated 8/2020
What do you do with your cancelled stamps from your incoming mail? Do you do like many of us and leave them on your mailing envelope to put them with your recycling? Did you know that you can donate your cancelled stamps for charity? Save your stamps that have their perforations intact, are not too heavily cancelled, and are not torn, cut or stained. Leave at least ¼ inch on each side of the stamp when cutting it on each side of the stamp when cutting it from the envelope or postcard. Nonprofit and not-for-profit organizations take donated used stamps – also known as charity or recycled stamps – and sell them individually or in bulk direct through auctions to stamp dealers or collectors to raise funds for various charitable programs. You may want to check with your local organizations if they have their own stamp program. Several charities that collect cancelled stamps are Wycliffe Associates to fund Bible translation around the world and Sisters of the Holy Cross Ministry with the Poor.
Wycliffe Associates Stamp Ministry
C/O Ardy Bandstra
4330 Indian Spring
Grandville, MI 49418
Phone number for Wycliffe Stamp Ministry: 616-295-5764
Sisters of the Holy Cross — Stamp Ministry
100 Augusta Hall – Saint Mary’s
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Melissa Gier, Caring Service Chairman for the Manhattan, Kansas Zone LWML used the February 2016 Blessing Bag idea found on the Mission Servants Website as the Servant Event for their Zone Fall Workshop. Each woman attending was asked in the pre-workshop publicity to bring a $5 gift card from a local fast food restaurant or grocery store. In addition, a Thrivent Action Team Grant was used to purchase, bags, snacks, gloves, socks, and toiletry items for the Blessing Bags. During the Servant Event time, Melissa explained not only how to pack the bags but gave ideas on their distribution and shared personal stories of people who had received Blessing Bags. A total of 27 bags were assembled and attendees each took a bag to distribute in their home community.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!