Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Recycling Pill Bottles
Help improve the quality of health care in hospitals and health clinics in developing countries
Help improve the quality of health care in hospitals and health clinics in developing countries by saving and donating medical supplies such as pill bottles.
What do you do with your old prescription and over-the-counter pill bottles? Do you throw them away? Did you know that you can send them to developing countries? In developing countries, medicines — when obtainable — are often dispensed into hands, pockets, leaves or any other available container. Matthew 25:Ministries in Cincinnati, Ohio accepts donations of clean, empty pill bottles to help improve health care quality in developing nations.
Medicine can then be distributed in sterile containers to the poorest of the poor. This plastic recycling program can also keep thousands of bottles out of landfills each year. Placing a nickel, dime, or quarter in each pill bottle helps with shipping costs to send the bottles to developing countries.
You can also check with your local free or low-income medical clinics or animal shelter to see if they accept used prescription bottles.
Download this flier to print and share!
The LWML New England District’s 2016 Convention Gifts from the Heart were gathered for the New England Division, Orphan Grain Train, Terryville, CT. The 100 women in attendance filled one third of a truck with Hygiene Kits (1 bath towel, washcloth, soap, toothbrush, comb, 6 Band-Aids, wrapped in a towel and tied with string or ribbon) underwear and socks, caps, hats, gloves, scarves, pillowcase dresses (see directions at www.lwml-ned.org/pillow-case-dresses-for-africa) and monetary donations.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!