Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Make the Reverse Advent Calendar
Christmas: God’s totally pure, unconditional, inconceivably awesome, self-denying TRUE LOVE. God gave us His Only Son! The Reverse Advent Box really celebrates the meaning of the holiday by giving instead of receiving. It is sharing God’s love by giving to those in need.
Instead of the traditional Advent Calendar where you or a family member receives a small gift from the calendar box each day in preparation of Christmas, starting December 1st until the 24th each day gift one item into your calendar basket or box each day. This could be an item of food, clothes, toys, or whatever you choose. And on December 24th take it to your local food pantry or food bank. What a wonderfully special event for you and your family!
Download this flier to print and share!

“These ladies, pictured, are in my LWML circle in St. Paul’s Church in Fort Dodge, Iowa. They collected and prepared over 100 pill bottles to send to Ohio for the Matthew 25 Ministries. I need to get a BIG box to send them. Thanks, Judy Rozek”
Matthew 25: Ministries is an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization helping more than 20 million people in need each year. This ministry is requesting empty pill bottles, so that these safe storage containers can be sent to third world countries, like Africa, where they are needed to protect medications from the elements. People there have a shortage of containers, which will keep their medications clean, dry, and out of the reach of children. The Matthew 25: Ministries is accepting, prescription and over-the-counter pill bottles, Large and small pill bottles, bottles with and without secure caps (child resistant). The bottles included in shipments of medical supplies must have an all plastic lid. The address of the Matthew 25 Ministries: 11060 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!