Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Breast Cancer Survival Kit
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. In preparation for October you, your society, and/or your zone can create these Breast Cancer Survival Care Kits for someone you might know that has been impacted by breast cancer or for your local hospital and breast cancer support groups.
Breast Cancer Survival Kits may include:
- Blessings and Prayers for Those with Cancer
- A pretty scarf
- Knitted prayer shawl
- Bottled water
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book
- Homemade soup mixes
- Large soup mug
- Lip balm
- Unscented travel-size hand sanitizer
- in a word by Heidi Floyd
- A Woman’s Bible
- Cozy socks
- Personal notes tied together with ribbon
Items may be placed in a bag for easy carrying and storing. A card with your church’s name, address, and contact information may be included along with an inspirational message like a Mustard Seed.
Download this flier to print and share!
Find Lutheran Hour Ministries Project Connect Booklets on cancer to include in your survival kits at www.lhm.org/projectconnect/booklets.asp.
At the LWML Iowa West District Convention on June 23–25, the ingathering and servant event went hand-inhand and were supported by their mission-minded women. The ingathering of t-shirts were made into diapers that went to Haiti. Another ingathering included crayon packs and folders that were used for making many 15-page Christian coloring books to be handed out at many events, county fairs throughout the district, and the Iowa State Fair. Some even went to Alaska. The third servant event was taking Christmas card fronts and assembling them into books that tell the story of Jesus. These went to Mission Central to be sent with missionaries and to Alaska. Wow, three servant events!
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!