Light of Christ in Eastern Europe

2021–2023 Mission Grant 8 — $56,000

group of teens with missionaryMissionary Ben Helge, right, leads an English Talk Group as part of his ministry in the Czech Republic. This group meets every Wednesday evening to practice English and to hear the Gospel. The group is open to any high school student, and God continues to send new members to the group, who need to hear the Good News. ETG, as it's often referred to by the students, connects unbelievers to the church plant in Haví?ov-Šumbark.

For decades, Christians in Germany and Czech Republic had to hide their faith. Churches that stood for centuries were closed and generations lived with no knowledge of the Christian faith. The Lutheran Church is striving to meet the urgent need to bring the love and light of Christ to people who have been living in spiritual darkness. Recently, immigrants and refugees from the Middle East have settled in Europe, many in Germany. Our missionaries are meeting the additional challenge of reaching out to those of the Muslim faith with the message of the Triune God. Thousands of immigrants, and German and Czech citizens of all ages, need to hear the Gospel. This grant will help in the support of eight missionaries working in Germany and the Czech Republic.

Resources for Grant #8

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