The very first LWML Presidents Assembly has just adjourned! What an historic and productive meeting!
During discussions, the district presidents talked about terminology. One of the phrases discussed was “zone rally.” Many feel it is an outdated term; I among them. That is, I was among them until attending the LWML Florida-Georgia District’s Atlanta Zone Rally recently.
The pastor talked about the verb “rally,” sharing that he had actually looked up the definition. Listening to him talk fired-up my enthusiasm for rallying with LWMLers! Perhaps if we come together as zones in the true meaning of “rally,” many will be encouraged, engaged and energized! Especially if we consider these definitions: “to bring together for a common purpose; to revive; to come in order to help.”
That’s LWML, is it not? Coming together to assist our women to minister to others wherever they are? It is my sincere prayer that as we gather for a common purpose, we will help others, so all will be revived in joy, rejoicing in the Lord always!
Dear Lord, guide the women of the LWML as we gather for the common purpose of LWML — serving You with gladness. In Christ’s name. Amen.
Trish Aamoth
LWML Florida-Georgia District President