FREE Printables for you to color!
They come as one-sided notecards 4/page for you to print on paper or cardstock, color, and cut apart. Then use them as notes or to include in care packages or meals to brighten someone’s day.
They are also available in a narrow format — perfect for bookmarks, or for use as Bible margins.
This set is based on the theme: We are HIS! — Held by HIS Word. Inspired to share HIS story. Surrounded by HIS grace.
Bookmarks — We are HIS! assortment
Notecards — We are HIS! assortment
Artist and illustrator Valerie Matyas created this set of notecards and bookmarks for the LWML in joyful service to the Lord. Valerie is a member of the Bay Zone in the Michigan District and attends St. Paul Lutheran Church in Bay City, MI, where her husband serves as Pastor. Valerie is the Educational Development Consultant for Visual Faith Ministry.
Looking for a place to use this printable? Here's an idea!
These coloring resources can be used for personal, family, and group use, as well as for neighborhood and community events. They are available as free printables for personal and ministry use.
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