A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.
Purple and Gold
Designed by Mrs. Quinn Dennis, Huron, SD. Adopted in Convention 1947, Chicago, IL

First Logo
Adopted June 1991

Adopted June 2017

Current Logo
Adopted January 2023

Official Membership Pin

The LWML Official Membership pin is composed of interlocking elements representing the past, present, and future. The different textures on each of the interlocking elements symbolize the diverse cultures of the women of LWML. The triangle, representing the Triune God above, connects with the circles which stand for the world and eternity. The point where all intersect is marked with the cross, Christ, as the center of our lives.
Adopted July 2001
Young Woman Representative Pin

The double links represent LWML women of all ages who are joyfully united in spirit and purpose. While each member is different, in Christ all are linked together, complementing one another’s gifts, talents, and strengths.
Adopted June 1997
(Districts are encouraged to send a Young Woman Representative (YWR) to each national convention. A smaller version of the pin is available for YWRs to district conventions.)
Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Logo and Pin
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League recognizes there are gifted women serving with joy and passion in many multicultural ministries throughout The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The logo represents women joined together under the cross of our Lord who serve in the Church and LWML. We are all Heart to Heart sisters from many nations who come together to worship, support missions, and serve those around us.
(Adopted September 2021)
We are committed to assisting LWML districts in establishing Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations programs so multicultural women may mutually encourage one another, support each other, and work together living out the beautiful ethnicity that is the body of Christ.
The Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Pin

The Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations pin was first presented at the Lexington convention in 2021. The women who received the pin were participants in the Heart to Heart District Leaders Training prior to the convention. It was presented at a special luncheon with their district presidents. The pin will be presented in the upcoming years to all those who complete the training.
(Adopted September 2020)
LWML districts are encouraged to send a representative to the training who has a desire to connect with multicultural women within her district and to assist them in becoming active members of Lutheran Women in Mission.
View printable PDF of this article, Symbols of LWML