LWML Toolkits
LWML Toolkits are kit suggestions that you may use for Gifts from the Heart collections in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure everyone knows where your kits will be donated before you start collecting items. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to make sure they are able to take the kits, if there are items they are not allowed to include, and how many kits they may currently need. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. This Teacher Kit list is simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Teacher Kit
Remember that men teach also! Keep kits gender-neutral when personal care items are included.
- Hand sanitizer
- Pocket tissues
- Band-Aids
- Small sized pain reliever (e.g. Tylenol or Advil)
- Powdered energy drink mix with caffeine
- Energy bars / granola bars
- Trail mix packets
- Hard candy / mints
- Cough drops
- Lip balm
- Hand cream
- Deodorant
- Dental floss
- Scented candle
- Refreshing lotion for feet
- An eye mask or neck wrap
- Gift card to a local coffee shop
- Gift card to a local store where school supplies may be purchased
- A mug or small desk plaque with an encouraging Bible verse such as Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
- Mustard Seed Devotions, Praise and Patience or Joy in Our Daily Lives from Concordia Publishing House
- Devotional for teachers, Splashes of Grace from Concordia Publishing House
- Personal note of thanks and prayer for them
View Teacher Kit — printable PDF
Download Teacher Kit — Word doc