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Hope in Changing Lifestyles

The Task-Filled Life Bible Study โ€” Week 2, Day 2

O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds (Psalm 71:17).

In our days of social media and the internet, many are driven by what is posted, viewed, and experienced on our iPhones, laptops, and iPads. Small children are addicted to checking on it every day; young people are committing suicide because of bullying; and adults scan programs and practices not fit for any child of God to see. Yet its use is rampant and acceptable today. Children have tantrums when the devices are taken away; young people would rather spend hours on them rather than have personal one-on-one conversations; and adults are more committed to working on the internet than having family time at dinner or on special outings without the devices. When does it end? How can the family connection return and be restored?

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I many fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever (Psalm 86:11-12 NIV).

Social media is incredible for connecting with family and friends or when desiring to share exciting news. The internet is extremely helpful for doing research and sharing the gospel for Christ. In fact, this is one of the chosen avenues through which Bible studies, such as this one, are being sent. As with almost anything in our lives, the newly invented means of communicating can be powerful tools of encouragement and the strengthening of our resolve to live better, healthier lives. Yet, like a bridge over rapidly flowing, sometimes-muddy waters, we need to pray that God will give us wisdom to use the bridge wisely and not fall into the flow beneath, getting caught up in its movement. Otherwise, before long that flow may pull us under and our resolve to use these blessings wisely may drown us in a lifestyle we never would have chosen. It is then that we can cry out to God and say:

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm 25:4-5 NIV).

Even in our hectic, fast-paced, task-filled lives, Christ daily beckons us to remain close to Him first. In and through His powerful Word, hope today remains secure. His wisdom and guidance become ours. His truths remain strong as His Spirit becomes our bridge to truth โ€“ the truth of Christ. As each day begins, honor Him with praise and the determination to learn of Him first. Whether on our iPhones, the internet, our iPads, or a hard-bound Bible, let us make it our goal to seek Him first and always.

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, prepare my heart today to use the blessings of technology to better serve You and also to always be aware of its lure for things not of You. May Your Spirit forever be my guide and guardian. For Jesusโ€™ sake I ask this. Amen.

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