Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Fill a Backpack with School Supplies for the Children that Use Your Local Food Pantry!

According to the Kids in Need Foundation more than 16 million children live in extreme poverty in the U.S. They also may arrive on the first day of school without the supplies they need to learn. Working with your local food pantry, your woman’s group can help fill the needs of these children. Standard school backpacks generally contain:
- 3 folders, 2 notebooks, a package of pencils
- package of markers, a pair of scissors, 2 glue sticks
- package of Post-its, 2 pens, a package of crayons
- pencil pouch with a ruler, eraser & pencil sharpener, all in a new basic backpack
If you do not live near a food pantry, Orphan Grain Train (www.ogt.org) and Lutheran World Relief (www.lwr.org) also fill backpacks with school supplies for children in need. These organizations assist children within our country and around the world.
Download this flier to print and share!
The LWML ladies at Lutheran Church of The Savior, in Bedford, MA organized a post church service event for the congregation. After the Sunday morning worship service, the congregation went through an assembly line and filled 175 backpacks with school supplies. These school backpacks were filled for the Central Food Ministry (CFM) in Lowell, MA.
The backpacks and the school supplies were funded through Thrivent, freewill offering from the Lenten Soup suppers, and donations from church members, volunteers at CFM and local merchants. Materials were purchased during the summer time when the stores have all the school supplies on sale and the backpacks were a bulk purchase on-line.
The whole Bedford congregation was doubly blessed to see how the Lord works through the service of these LWML ladies and they were also enabled to generously assist with serving those in need.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!