Mission Service Activity of the Month
December 2020: The Right Time
We are told to go and share God’s love. Sometimes that is a difficult task, but it is always the “right time” to give love and encouragement. Our world is in the midst of a long period of COVID-19 restrictions and isolation, and many people are feeling overwhelmed and anxious. The enemy is invisible and ever-present. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach out and send a care box or basket to show people they are not forgotten.
Ideas for Activities

Make a care package for children entering foster care.
They may have nothing but the clothes on their backs. Often, they need to sit in an office for a long time while an appropriate place is found for them. Items will vary depending on the child’s age. Make sure you label the box or bag with the appropriate age. Put the items in a pretty shoebox-style storage box or a tote bag that the children can keep and call their own. Check with your local social services office for specifics. Possible items to include in a care package are:
- A small stuffed animal
- A couple of prepackaged snacks to eat during the wait
- A coloring/activity book with age-appropriate crayons and/or pencil
- A notebook or paper pad for older children
- A toothbrush and toothpaste
- Pajamas or a tee shirt
- A small toy
- An age-appropriate book
- A squishy toy for younger children or stress putty for older ones
- Encouraging note (non-religious unless otherwise directed)
Make a care package for those in care centers.
Contact the center for ideas and restrictions. Possible items to include:
- A pack of tissues or a handkerchief
- Socks
- Lip balm
- Lotion
- Fingernail file
- Prepackaged snacks if allowed
- Colorful encouraging greeting card (non-religious unless otherwise directed)
Make a care package for health care workers.
Contact the center for ideas and restrictions. Possible items to include:
- Lip balm
- Hand lotion
- Gum
- Coffee gift card
- Essential oil roll-on
- Pre-packaged sweet or salty snacks
- Pens
- Note pads
- Encouraging note or note of appreciation (non-religious unless otherwise directed)
Check to see if your local police station or fire station will accept a gift box and ask for suggested items.
Possible items to include:
- Protein bars or meal replacement bars
- Flavor packets for bottled water
- Coffee gift card
- Gum
- Prepacked sweet or salty snacks
- Individually wrapped snack-size candy bars
- Encouraging note or note of appreciation (non-religious unless otherwise directed)
While you probably can’t include any religious content in most of these care packages, you should be able to sign them with your group or church name. Remember to sign “Lutheran Women’s Missionary League” or “Lutheran Women in Mission” rather than “LWML.”
Gospel Focus
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (Galatians 4:4).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Heavenly Father, help us to let every day be the right time to reach out with Your love. Guide our words and actions so our faith is evident in all we do. Forgive us when our actions do not show Your love. Help us to see the world through Your eyes of compassion and forgiveness. Bless all we do in service to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!