February 2018 Mission Service Activity:
Sharing God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

What better time to share God’s love than on Valentine’s Day (or a Friday or Saturday near it)? Here is one example of how you might celebrate the day as well as serving others:
- Create a night of fine dining at its best with an Italian theme and romantic music.
- Select a chef and kitchen staff to cook an Italian favorite with all the trimmings.
- Have the men cook the meal and serve all the ladies that attend.
- Offer a “selfie-spot” or a decorated backdrop for photos.
- Develop a hand-out that has the story of Saint Valentine.
- Enjoy the festivities and fellowship while collecting Gifts from the Heart for a community charity such as a food bank, pregnancy center, or domestic abuse center.
- Place an article in your church newsletter and bulletin to encourage participation and make sure the article mentions the community group the event will support.
- Create a printed invitation that members can use when inviting others.
- Sell tickets prior to the event. Tell everyone that the money collected for the tickets will go towards the charity you have chosen to support for this event.
Get everyone in the act!

- Encourage everyone in the congregation to contribute their time and talents to this event.
- Form a Thrivent Action Team and use the seed money to purchase the food for the meal.
- Your team should include:
- a decorating committee
- a ticket and invitation staff
- kitchen staff
- servers (all men attending)
- a DJ and photographer
- a clean-up committee
- End the evening with a litany for Gifts from the Heart. This includes all of the ticket money as well as extra added donations. The event will surely be a blessed gift to be used for those in need.
Reach out to others —
- Don’t forget to invite neighbors and friends that don’t go to your church. Remember to include widows and widowers as well as other single people.
- Arrange to pick up guests and bring them to the dinner.
- Do you know someone who can’t afford a ticket? Why not treat them to a night out. It is a great way to make new friends and encourage those who don’t like to come alone to a social gathering.
- Let’s make this celebrated holiday more than just hearts and lace. Show Jesus’ love in action by reaching out to others in your neighborhood and community.
Extension — Sharing God’s Love — Feeding the Hungry

Most community food banks are desperate for donations during the winter months. This is the time when seasonal work is scarce, limited funds are diverted to heating costs, and many people have put the generosity of the Christmas holiday behind them. Make an effort in your congregation to collect food and cash donations for a local food bank. Here are some suggestions:
- Contact the food bank to get a specific list of the most-needed items.
- Publish the list of items in your church bulletin and newsletter and make sure to set a deadline.
- Encourage people to check their own cupboards for items they don’t plan to use but to be sure to check expiration dates!
- Clearly identify the collection point — you may want to set up a poster and a large collection box (or a grocery cart if you can get one on loan!) in the church narthex.
- Involve the youth group in sorting, packing and delivering the donations.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!