Mission Service Activity of the Month
July 2021: Steady Shoulders
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22–23).
A perfect description of our God is that He is steadfast and everlasting. Steadfast is defined as unfaltering, unwavering, stable, and dependable. God is the unwavering constant in our lives. People who have experienced a trauma, such as a death of a child, struggle to be steadfast with the Lord.
There are some grieving parents who have lost themselves and the ability to “steady” themselves in the Lord as they grieve the loss of a child. An elderly woman’s daughter died in a car accident and, after 65 years, she was still unable to get over the loss of her daughter. Another woman miscarried and, five years later, still grieves the unborn baby she loved and lost.

We encourage you to reach out to those who mourn the loss of a child by preparing comfort kits. The comfort kit may give the grieving person a few small tools that will encourage and enable them to turn to our Lord and find peace and comfort in prayer and His Word.
Ingathering suggestions:
Create comfort kits to share with families who have experienced the death of a child. These kits can include:
- decorated cards with comforting Bible passages
- a soothing lotion, bath salts, or candle for mom
- a journal and colored pencils
- a prayer shawl that has been blessed by the pastor
- a small wall cross, framed biblical verse, or a biblical picture of Jesus
- a donation in the child’s memory to an organization of the parents’ choice
Gospel Focus
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
Devotion as You Plan:
Choose from one or more of these devotions from the LWML resources available online:
- Bearing One Another’s Burdens
- Back to School in the Word!
- A Circle of Light
- Compassionate Caring
- Summertime
- Bible study: The Loss of a Child
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Dear Lord, we thank You for the steadfast love You provide us. When we falter and stumble, help us to remember we are saved because of the sacrifice of Your only Son. We look forward to Your heavenly kingdom that awaits, and know that those who have gone before us are embraced in Your arms. Guide us to help those who are in need and to remind them of Your steadfast love. In Your name, we pray. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!
View past Mission Service Activities