Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Bake a Birthday Cake for Someone Who Otherwise
Won’t Be Able to Celebrate their Special Day!

Birthdays are special days for everybody, whether you are “two” or “one hundred and two”! Many people are recognized on their special days, but there are many that aren’t. The two particular age groups that I’m referring to are the young and the old. You could help them feel special by gifting them a birthday celebration.
There are many ways to do this.
- Put together a birthday cake gift bag and give it to the family. Purchase a cake mix, a jar of frosting and a box of candles and put them all in a gift bag with the child’s name on it. Put a Christian book inside that is age appropriate, too. Perhaps your society or woman’s group could adopt a classroom of children. Each child would be remembered with this gift on their birthday.
- Your ladies may want to bake and decorate birthday cakes for your shut-in seniors or bake for an “adopted” nursing home group, and deliver the cake to the person wherever they live, whether it is in a nursing home or at their residence. You might include a Christian book or tract (large print preferred) or possibly a small gift to go with it.
Have fun! Be creative! Enjoy sharing joy on their special day!
Download this flier to print and share!
Sharing Your Servant Activities

At the Lakeland Zone Rally of New Jersey District, the ladies participated in a servant event of sending flowers to the shut-ins and/or elderly within their churches. A potting table was set up outside and the weather was perfect for the event.
The ladies decorated dollar store plastic cups with stickers and then planted petunias in them. To accompany their plants, they added a note card and placed a message from their heart on it. The ladies took them back to their own churches to give to their elderly LWML sisters or to give to someone they knew who could not make it to the rally.
The Lakeland Zone ladies enjoyed the servant event and loved the idea.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!