June 2018 Mission Service Activity
Sharing Jesus’ Love in Action — Plan a Refugee Sunday Service

The Constitution of the United States of America outlines our freedoms! As Citizens, we are free to share the love of Jesus with people of all ages who do not know Christ! Plan a Refugee Sunday Service at your church to help our Sisters and Brothers in Christ to learn more about the refugees in their community and churches.
Ideas for your worship service:
- Share with your Pastor sermon notes provided by LCMS on Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) website.
- Sign-up for a free poster to advertise your service from LIRS and hang your poster up in your local store.
- Invite refugees in your area to attend.
- Invite a speaker from LIRS to attend your service and have them speak.
Ideas for a fellowship meal following your service:
- Have an ethnic meal and share recipes from different countries.
- Charge $5 per person per table and donate the money to LIRS.
- Each table might represent a country related to particular refugee areas; the table would have a host from the represented country who would:
- decorate their table with things from the represented country;
- make a typical dessert to share; and
- invite guests from their country to sit with them.
Ideas for awareness:
- Refugee Simulation Game from LIRS.
- Take a quiz to learn more from LIRS.
- Be an advocate to help support the refugees provided on LIRS website.
- Watch a Video on LIRS website to learn more about refugees.
Ways to help:
- Have your offering go to help support refugees and their families.
- Volunteer by connecting with a local partner, visit refugees in a detention facility, or give a donation to LIRS.
- Pray for the safety and protection of refugees and immigrants. Set aside one Sunday of your choosing to celebrate Refugee Sunday.
Our freedoms as citizens of the United States of America allows us to share Christ and that spiritual freedom we enjoy, forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation only through Him.
Let us set aside one (1) Sunday a year to help support our refugee families in our church and in our communities. These people need our love, support, and encouragement as they adjust to living in a new country.
What a wonderful way to help support refugees!
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: www.lirs.org/refugee-sunday
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!