Mission Service Activity of the Month

June 2020: Men of God
June is the month we celebrate fathers. Since not all men are fathers, let’s take time to celebrate men in their roles as leaders in the family of Christ. Plan a special event at church to thank men for what they do. Prepare and serve a meal and present a short program. If gathering together is not possible, plan ways to deliver gifts of love to the men.
Ideas for Activities that Show Appreciation for Men in the Congregation
- Consider putting together goodies bags to drop off/deliver.
- Include a devotion like “Building Materials,” “Follow the Leader,” “God Raises Me Up,” or “Our Father’s Care” from the LWML website, www.lwml.org/program-helps-devotions.
- Other items might be home-baked treats, lip balm, handkerchiefs, playing cards, and other small items that fit the recipients.
- Embroider a simple cross in the corner of men’s handkerchiefs to give as gifts to the men in your church and in your life. Include a reminder that Christ is our Savior.
- Write and send cards of appreciation. Use the resource “Encouragement Notecards” or bookmarks from the “LWML Coloring Sets” on the LWML website, www.lwml.org/coloring-resources.
- Visit men from your congregation in area care centers.
- Schedule a week during which a meal is prepared and delivered to widowers in your congregation.
Gospel Focus
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ (2 Corinthian 2:14-17).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Gracious Heavenly Father, You have placed men as leaders in our churches. Help us to appreciate what they do to lead in Your ways. Guide us to prepare ways to celebrate the gift of faithful men. Help us see them through Your loving eyes. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!