Mission Service Activity of the Month
Why, God?

It is difficult living in a sin-filled world. Conditions like dementia can be especially challenging. A friend shared how troubling it was to visit his mother, who suffered with Alzheimer’s, as she no longer knew who he was. He said she would ask the nurse, “Who is that nice man who visits me?” She didn’t know his name or their relationship, but she did know that he cared about her. Showing compassion for this special group of people is a precious type of service.
Contact local assisted living centers, memory care facilities, adult day care centers, or other places where people are dealing with memory loss. Ask about helping with activities or collecting needed items. Let them guide your activity planning to fit the needs of their patients.
Ingathering ideas:
- Fidget blankets (search online for “Fidget blankets for dementia patients” or “Fidget blankets for dementia patients pattern”)
- Stuffed animals or baby dolls
- Other suggested items of need given to you by the agency you contacted
Assemble a healthy snack box or basket to deliver to the agency staff members when you deliver the patients’ items. Possible items to include:
- Pre-packaged sweet or salty snacks
- Fresh or dried fruit
- Gum
- Flavor packets for bottled water
- A note of encouragement and thanks
Gospel Focus
[Joseph said,] “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20a).
Devotion as You Plan and Prepare:
Choose one of these devotions from the LWML program helps available online: “Compassion in Our Daily Life,” “My Light with a Purpose,” or “Something is Missing” from LWML devotion archives. They are listed alphabetically by title.
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Heavenly Father, we don’t always understand why bad things happen. It hurts when someone dear to us gets sick, and a sickness like dementia is really difficult. Don’t let the devil cause us to doubt Your love for us. Give us strength to trust Your promise to never leave or forsake Your people. Give us patience to find one more smile or one more gentle touch when we need to repeat something one more time. Give us wisdom to understand no harm is meant even when someone is acting out. Give us insight to realize we need to take care of ourselves, too. Help us to see with Your eyes, feel with Your love, and act with Your compassion. We pray in the name of the one true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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Why, God? Mission Service to Those with Memory Loss
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!
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