Mission Service Activity of the Month
Serving One Another

There are those in our communities who need our service, help, and prayers. During this month, take advantage of ways to reach out to them with loving care through blessing kits. Items for kits can be donated and kits assembled at a safe gathering, or completed kits can be donated.
Contact your local law enforcement, fire department, social service agency, or homeless shelter. Ask for items they need for immediate use. See what restrictions they might have on contents for such kits. Depending on your community’s needs, and your opportunities to reach out, it might also be appropriate to keep a few kits in your car.
Blessing kit content ideas:
- Athletic crew socks
- Small hand sanitizer
- Small tissue pack
- Bottle of water
- Gum
- Packaged snack items like cheese and crackers or granola bar
- Other items of need suggested by the agency you contacted
Assemble items in large plastic zipper bags:
- Mark as male or female, if appropriate
- Include a Mustard Seed Devotion or Bible verse if possible
- Include a note of care and encouragement
Gospel Focus
Through love serve one another (Galatians 5:13b).
Devotion as You Plan and Prepare
Foot Washers or Jesus’ Servants
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Loving God, You have demonstrated the need to show love through caring for others. Bless these kits, those who prepare them, those who distribute them, and those who receive them. May Your love be evident through their use. Help us always remember how Christ served us by paying for our sins through His death. We pray in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
Serving One Another (blessing kits)
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!