Mission Service Activity of the Month
May 2020: Women Blessing Women

May is the month we celebrate mothers. Since not all women are mothers, let’s take time to celebrate all women in their own special role: sister, co-worker, aunt, niece, cousin, mentor, or friend. Originally, we hoped to help you plan a spa day/mini retreat day at your church to bless women. However, if you are unable to meet as a group, you might individually make items for a gift basket to deliver at a future time.
Ideas for Gift Basket Items
- Bath salts for a relaxing bath or a foot soaking. Make bath salts in decorative jars. For one recipe click here.
- Sugar hand scrub can be made and placed in decorative jars. For a recipe, click here.
- Coloring pages can be included, for enjoyment and relaxation. Use the resource “Encouragement Notecards” or “Encouragement Bookmarks” from the LWML Coloring Sets on the LWML website lwml.org/coloring-resources. You might like to include a set of colored pencils.
- The devotion “Important Connections” can be downloaded from the LWML website lwml.org/program-helps-devotions for recipients to read and share.
If you can meet together:
- Use the resource sketch “What Gives a Woman Strength and Joy?” from the LWML website: lwml.org/program-helps-sketches.
- Bring in a massage therapist or an electric massager for neck and shoulder massages.
Gospel Focus
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare for a Group Event
Heavenly Father, You created women to be relational and nurturing. We thank You for the biblical female examples You have given to us: the leaders, the team members, the caretakers, the helpers, the healers, and the homemakers. We ask for Your guidance as we plan and prepare our celebration-of-women event. We are Your humble servants. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!