Mission Service Activity of the Month
June 2022: Plant a Resident Community Garden

Do you have a rehabilitation center, nursing home, or group home in your community that would enjoy the blessing of a resident community garden? They can be as small or as large as the space will allow. It could simply be tomatoes or herbs growing in 5-gallon buckets on a patio, flowers growing in window boxes, or flowers and vegetables growing in a raised garden. What a blessing it would be for the residents to get involved in a community garden activity, as well as the friendships that may be cultivated. Seeds sown and grown, all blessed by God.
What you need to prepare:Â
- Contact your local residential community’s administration to gain permission to start such an activity. Upon receiving approval, ask about the location, size, and type of an appropriate garden.
- Agree on garden rules with the administration. (When can residents work in their garden, do they need worker supervision along with your volunteers, where does the harvest of the garden go (if vegetables, do they go to the residential kitchen)?
- Make sure you have willing residents and LWML members to prepare and tend the garden.
- Ask the residents for help in designing the garden. Work together to decide what should be grown: Â flowers, vegetables, herbs, or a mixture.
- Determine the supplies you will need:Â containers, planters, soil, seeds & plants, trowels, spades, garden gloves for all workers, watering cans.
- Share with each other the joy of working in God’s creation.
Gospel Focus
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:12).
Devotion as You Plan:
As you plan this service activity, share this Bible study:Â Never Stop Growing.Â
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare:Â
Heavenly Father, LWML groups are planting and growing gardens in new places in Your name. We pray that these gardens flourish for the residents; we pray that as the gardens are planted, seeds of faith are sown and cultivated. Lord, as we plant, we ask that You make our seeds of faith grow strong so that our lives would be a blessing to others as we grow in spiritual maturity. In Your Name, we pray. Amen.Â
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
Plant a Resident Community Garden
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!