Mission Service Activity of the Month
November 2020: God, You Want Me?

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
If you are reading this Mission Service Activity for November, it means you have already heard God calling you, and now you are praying how you can best serve. Rev. Mitch Schuessler, LWML Senior Pastoral Counselor, shared in a devotion, “We all can be inspired to share HIS story … especially when we continue to learn and grow in the Word.”
Ideas for Activities
Send Me to My Neighborhood
Send yourself, or go in a small group. Walk or drive on a neighborhood prayer walk to pray for people along your path:
- Choose a route in your neighborhood that is a safe distance for you to walk. As you walk, pray for the people in the houses you pass. Pray for them to know and love Jesus and His saving Word. If you pass people along your walk, wave, and pray for them, also.
- Choose a nature trail that is safe and is a distance you can safely walk. Smile and wave to the people you pass, and pray for them. Thank God for His beautiful creation.
- Choose a route where you can safely stop your car at certain destinations to take time to pray.
- Your route could include stopping by the hospital, the fire station, the police station, a local grocery store, schools, or other places in your community needing prayer support.
- As you sit in your car at each stop, pray for the people inside each building. Ask God to keep them safe and help them to hear of His love through His Son.
Try to accomplish your walk and/or drive at least once a week for the month. You may choose to walk on a specified day of the week, or vary the days. Consider keeping a journal. Include God’s words of promise. Reflect on how you can share the Gospel and comfort people with His saving Word. Encourage others to complete their individual walk/drive with the Lord or invite them to join you.
Send Home the News: God Sent His Son, Jesus!
November 29, 2020, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, is also the first Sunday in Advent.
Make Advent Wreaths
Review the online Gospel Outreach Service Activity for November 2018. It is an excellent resource containing information on wreath components, step-by-step instructions, descriptions of what each component of the wreath represents, videos, websites with directions for making Advent wreaths, links to children’s Christmas books and activities, and much more!
This activity includes instructions for a wreath-making party which may not be appropriate at this time. To adapt:
- Consider working in a large space and have participants wear masks.
- Have each woman work at her own house, but on a designated day or weekend.
- Consider preparing Advent Wreath “kits” ahead of time and place each kit in a bag for distribution
Gospel Focus
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you (Colossians 1:3).
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isaiah 52:7).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Dear Lord, lover of all souls, every day we pray, “Thy Kingdom come.” As we celebrate Thanksgiving, and prepare to observe the birth of Your dear Son, Jesus, we reflect on a year that has contained many challenges. Help us to focus on You. Open up opportunities for service in our congregations, our neighborhoods, and in Your world. Open the eyes of family, friends, and neighbors to see the wonders of Your love, the blessings of belonging to You, and the joy of serving You. Enable us to answer Your call and share Your Gospel story. Thank You, God, for being an unchanging, loving God. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen!
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!