Mission Service Activity of the Month
September 2020: Working Together for the Good of Others

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we adapt to ways we can safely support those in our community. We look for new ways to serve one another while social distancing. We continue to recognize the needs of others as we plan for a new school year.
Ideas for Activities
Drive-thru Food Pantry or School Supply Collection Day
- Talk to your local food pantry, a neighborhood school, or a day care facility in your community. Get a list of their most needed items during this time and discuss distribution options.
- Decide who will be offered the service based on your group size. Develop a way to contact those people.
- Advertise the “Needs List” to your church/community. Consider social media to help spread the word. It might be helpful to mention that precautions are being taken when the items are packed (the packers will use hand sanitizer and wear masks), and that masks will be worn during pickup and delivery.
- Select a date, place, and time for dropping off items. Keep the drop-off time short and/or break up the drop-off times. Consider two hours in the early morning and two hours in the evening, or two days for drop-off if your group is large.
- Solicit a small group of volunteers for drop-off. The volunteers will accept the donation items from each vehicle when they drive up and take them to the holding area.
- Set up a small group to assemble the items into bags to make pick-up or delivery quick and easy.
- Establish a pick-up method. Take items to the food pantry or school for them to distribute, or set a pick-up time at a church or other location.
- Consider having another set of volunteers to deliver the items, if the project recipient cannot come to pick up the donated items.
- Contact the sewing ladies in your church/community. Ask them to provide masks, especially children’s sizes. Pack each mask in a zip-lock bag. Have them available for the volunteers to pass out to anyone in need of a mask, or give them to the school or daycare facility.
Gospel Focus
Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8).
Prayer as you Plan and Prepare
Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing us the privilege of creatively serving others in Your name during this time of pandemic. You have directed us to realize that there are still plenty of ways to be Your hands and feet and to think outside of our normal avenues. Guide us as we strive to reach out to others while keeping everyone safe. We know that You are the God of grace, mercy, and peace. Grant each of those strengths to us as we plan this servant event. In the name of Jesus, Your precious Son, we pray. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!