A well-known song says that Jesus loves the little children — all the children of the world. It does not matter what color they are — red, yellow, black, or white. In the Gospel of Mark, you find four times where Jesus is healing a child, casting out demons that were living in children, and inviting children to come to him. In Mark 7:26-30, Jesus cast out the demon from the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman, a Gentile.
In Mark 10:14, Jesus rebuked the disciples for preventing the children to be near him. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Truly, what great love Jesus has for the little children!
Several weeks ago, we “Celebrated the Lord of the Nations” and voted on the mission grants for the 2023–2025 biennium. Check out the list of grants on the lwml.org website. Lutheran Women in Mission saw the needs of children and provided 10 grants that directly affect children. Others will help children and adults. As you fill your Mite Box, pray for the children of the world as they receive these gifts of love and hear about our Lord Jesus Christ.
Patricia Peters
LWML South Dakota District President
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