Twenty years ago, my uncle Wayne had his 80th birthday. We enjoyed dinner and many entertaining stories about his life. I wanted to get him something fun, so I gave him 80 quarters and wrote in his card, “Due to inflation it is no longer a penny for your thoughts, now it costs a quarter!”
As LWML celebrates its 80th year, how have you chosen to participate? Our ladies involved the congregation by collecting baby clothes, diapers, and wipes for a Pregnancy Center. Our zone collected extra mite offerings at the spring rally. At the district convention, over 80 banners graced the walls, surrounding us with God’s Word.
So, what will LWML do on a national scale? They have already done it and continue to do so with your mite offerings! Saturday morning, at the Lexington convention, there was a parade of 82 flags. They represented 82 countries around the world that have been able to spread God’s Word because they received LWML mite offerings. God is awesome!
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice (Philippians 4:4).
Lisa Kamrath, President
LWML Minnesota South District