Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (James 1:17).

It’s November and so begins the month of counting blessings and acknowledging the most important ones in our Facebook posts. What are some of your current cherished blessings and how do they differ from those of 10 or 25 years ago? As life progresses, our cherished blessings evolve. The same can be said about our beloved organization, the LWML, and the many changes we have witnessed as the Lord provided what was needed for 80 years.
How gracious the Lord has been to the LWML and how exciting it is to participate in the next season of life along with my sisters and brothers in Christ. What are the next cherished blessings going to look like? Worth praying for and serving the Lord with gladness? You bet they will be! On to the next 80 years with thanksgiving, dear LWML friends.
Frances Molitor
LWML Texas District President