After a long, cold winter, nothing is more rewarding (well, almost) than a good house cleaning, brushing away the cobwebs and dust. It is also a great time to clean out closets for clothes we can no longer wear, but someone else might need. We may have household items that are no longer used, but someone who may have just experienced a disaster could use to get back on their feet.
Since last year, LWML has been celebrating 80+ years of service and sharing God’s love. What better way to celebrate 80 years than by donating 80 items to those in need. If you don’t have 80 items to share, consider partnering with other sisters in Christ or your church members to collect 80 items to share the love of Jesus and provide for others.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).
Follow LWML’s 80th celebration through the lwml.org/80 webpage and enjoy the photo montage that will be played at the LWML Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 22-25, 2023.
Julie Hatesohl
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
LWML Kansas District