Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2).
The theme for our 2022 LWML Southern Illinois District Convention was “Walking with Jesus.” As I brainstormed with our Young Woman Representative (YWR) to plan a Friday night activity that would fit our theme, we decided on a prayer walk. Did you know that lwml.org has many resources on prayer? We looked through all the resources and decided to use “Walking in Prayer: Organizing a Prayer Walk.” Our convention was held in a school gym, so it was easy to spread out the stations with tables and chairs around the perimeter of the gym. The YWRs to our district convention helped to oversee the stations and offer direction and assistance as needed. With its interactive stations and focus on Scripture and prayer, this resource was the perfect ending for our Friday night activities and the perfect start for our convention.
I encourage you to create your own prayer walk in your district, zone, or congregation.
Carol Walther
President, LWML Southern Illinois District