What an exciting, uplifting, and fulfilling time we had at the Milwaukee convention! Exhilarated by worship, Bible studies, speakers, music, and fellowship, we want to share this experience. We left the convention on an emotional and spiritual high. However, maintaining that motivation for sharing can be a challenge once we return to our daily routine. To ensure the long-term impact of this wonderful experience, it is important to implement effective steps to follow through.
1. Reflect on the Convention. Take time to reflect on the key teachings, insights, and messages you received during the convention. Pray!!
2. Create a Plan. How can I continue to share this in my group, zone and district? Pray!!
3. Seek out someone with whom you can share. You are more committed when you have someone to buddy with as you share. Pray!
4. Stay in the Word, educating yourself through devotions, worship and Bible study. Pray!!
Attending an LWML convention can be an uplifting experience that empowers you to take action and make a lasting impression on fellow Lutheran Women in Mission.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing me to be a part of this convention and continue to use me to do Your will.
Pam Kercher
LWML Montana District President