Listen to Peace, Hope, and Comfort on the LWML On The Go Podcast or read it below!
A while back, my husband and I began trying for our second child. Our son was two and we wanted to grow our family. After a year of trying, we learned I was finally pregnant again. We were so excited!

At sixteen weeks gestation, God called our child home. Though we grieved the loss, God also gave us a peace that I cannot explain and a confidence knowing our child and our family were in His hands. The day after I came home from the hospital from having a D&C, I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a little stuffed tiger for our son from my co-workers. I found out that it was my co-worker, Heather who had organized the gift on behalf of my department. Heather had also recently had a miscarriage. I knew that she attended the local Baptist church.
When I returned to work, I thanked my co-workers for their thoughtfulness. I then sent a special email to Heather. I thanked her personally and also shared my faith. I valued the bond we shared both in our experience and in the knowledge that God is in control and that our children were together in Heaven in our Savior’s arms. I shared the peace and comfort it brought. What I didn’t know at the time was that Heather did not have peace and was struggling with her miscarriage. She was angry with God and very bitter. She had stopped going to church.
A few weeks later, Heather thanked me for my email. God used that witness to soften her heart. She let go of her bitterness and returned to church. She shared that she finally felt at peace and she was no longer afraid to try to have another baby.
Praise God that my husband and I were later blessed with another healthy baby boy, and Heather and her husband have two more beautiful daughters!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope (Romans 15:13).
I am so grateful to God for our child in heaven and for blessing my life through my miscarriage. It allowed me to share my faith with other women in ways I could never have imagined! God used me to share His peace, hope and comfort with my co-worker, Heather. Praise be to Christ!!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the blessings you have given me especially the peace, hope and comfort that comes from knowing my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You also for those people that You put in my path, which give me an opportunity to witness and share my faith. Always remind me through Your Word, that You are always with me, and that you will strengthen me and give me rest from the brokenness of this world. Continue to guide me as I care for my family, friends and neighbors. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Gretchen Rasmussen
Iowa East District
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Thanks from the Gospel Outreach Committee!