Gifting Hugs

When gifting, we look for something that would delight or benefit the recipient. Gifts are tangible hugs, sharing who we are with others, defining relationships, or enabling friendships to grow deeper.

Consider gifting a tangible hug that shares your love for missions, a copy of the Quarterly. Say, “I’m not in mission like that story, but I’m a Lutheran Woman in Mission.” Share the Bible studies and devotions: “I’m a child of God. I want to know Him better, and I want us to share the journey.” View the Grants at Work and Heart of LWML together. Say, “This is why I have a Mite Box. It’s amazing what God can do with coins that are prayed over.”

Consider some possible ways to share your story as you share the Quarterly. Share an issue with your plane seatmate. Order extra copies for visitors or inactive LWMLers in your church. What’s your possibility?

Share who you are – one who not only gives her silver and gold, but one who shares herself and her God and His mission whenever and wherever He leads!

Sheila Lutz