Getting Ready

Advent is here and excitement mounts for the coming of the celebration of Christmas. I have wondered what it would be like to have a Christmas with no gifts, trees, cookies, etc. We could just focus on the coming of the Lord and make our Advent a royal and peaceful celebration of Jesus’ coming. We could light the Advent wreath and sing or read the words of the songs of Advent in Lutheran Worship.

A few years ago, I had one of my many nativities out and the one under the tree captured a grandson’s eye. He proceeded to move all the figures around the manger. This child understood that the focus is on Jesus. When he was finished, he smiled and said, “Grandma, now it is right!”

In the season of Advent the LWML has beautiful devotions, free and printable for your use. I suggest you begin with Time Out.

Karol Selle