A September to Remember

Christy and Eden
This year I am honoring Christy McCombs. Christy uses her gifts of creativity, leadership, and organization on many levels, and having her as our local group president is an incredible blessing. She includes a devotion, Bible study, or a Gospel-focused activity from the LWML website when we get together, and keeps us informed of mission service opportunities, upcoming events, and progress on our mission grants. Basically, she lives out our mission statement: As Lutheran Women in Mission we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. And — bonus! — she does it in a gracious way that encourages others to get involved.
Does this sound like a leader in your group or zone? Or like someone in your district? Consider honoring that person with a donation today, our “September to Remember” Giving Day, and by sending a personal thank you!