A Woman of God

Emma, a woman from a small Wisconsin town, was a model for me as a young pastor’s wife years ago. She loved LWML, people and missions. Her face radiated her love for the Lord and His love for her. On many occasions she was my encourager and mentor. One example was when our children were very young and were not the quietest during worship. This dear friend said to me after one of those days, “When I hear children in church laughing, crying, whining, I know the church is alive!” I will always remember those words of her love and grace and have shared them with other young mothers. She was a model of a woman of God and a woman in mission. I thank God for Emma Rhode.

As I wrote this memory moment, I am grateful for “September to Remember,” an avenue on Tuesday, September 12, to give a special gift to the LWML Mission Grants goal in her honor and memory. I encourage you to do the same for someone who has guided you, befriended you and loved you as a sister in Christ.

Karol Selle