Happy “Willing Servant” Day

In most countries around the world, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Mostly, it is celebrated to recognize the economical, political, and social achievments of women. In America, the second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day when we honor our mothers who have shared their love and faith with us. 

Can we add another day of celebration? In our LWML pledge, we promise our willing service to do whatever He has need of us. What a joy it is to celebrate being a willing servant with our feet and hands, our silver and our gold, our songs of praises, and our voices proclaiming His love to the lost, whether it be a neighbor or a mission trip half way around the world! A few years ago, four LWML sisters from America shared God’s love in His Son with a group of women in Kyrgyzstan. They now celebrate being “willing servants” among their friends who do not know the Savior. So yes, every day can be a day of celebration when we serve the Lord with gladness!


Sue Pfeil

Chairman Gospel Outreach
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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