I Get Thanksgiving!


The LWML leadership alternates writing these home page articles, and I am so happy I get Thanksgiving week! As Lutheran Women in Mission, we have been given much for which to praise and thank our Lord.

We begin our โ€œthankfulโ€ list with Jesus, who came to earth to teach and lead by example, and who suffered and died for us. He rose from that death, triumphantly defeating sin, death, and the power of the devil. This is a blessed gift and reason enough for thanking God every day!

We thank God for His continued mercy and love, His grace and presence, His comfort in times of stress, and His truth shared with us through His Word. We have faith in His promises.

Many do not yet know Jesus, which is why we offer resources on this website, to equip you to share His love with confidence. Instead of turning on the television today, consider exploring this website. Prepare to be amazed!

Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in worship, with family, and in praise to the Triune God. Eat some turkey, too!

In HIS service, surrounded by HIS grace,
