The Time is NOW … for Convention!

Saturday morning began with a procession of the past LWML Presidents: Betty Duda, Ida Mall, Gloria Edwards, Virginia Von Seggern, Linda Reiser, and Jan Wendorf; followed by the Heart to Heart Sisters, many in their native costumes. The Young Woman Representatives carried mission flags representing 38 of the 50 countries in which the LWML has supported a mission grant. 

Next were the unsung heroes in mission, nominated by their districts, men and women who have served faithfully without the benefit of recognition. The children and youth who participated in Camp Insta Friends closed the procession.

The mission grant selection was reported. Nineteen grants will be funded totaling $1,418,563.94. The past LWML presidents were presented onstage and President Kay Kreklau narrated a tribute to the 10th LWML President, Alberta Barnes, who was called to Heaven June 18, 2014. Tee Up-4-Mites raised $12,926.57; and the second convention offering totaled $37,075.29 to be presented to special grant , “Discovering Disabilities – Including ALL of God’s Children Lutheran Special Education Ministries,” Farmington Hills, Michigan.

The Time is NOW … to invite friends who can’t come to Des Moines to watch the Livestream videos of the Closing Worship.  You can download and print worship folders from the Convention page. Encourage congregations to show the video feed in their churches.

The time is NOW … to celebrate “Bountiful! Sow • Nourish • Reap.”