Serving With Gladness …
From societies, to zones, to districts, our LWML is constantly moving to engage, encourage, equip, and enjoy serving our God and each other through Bible studies, devotional aids, sketches, and of course our Mite box offerings.
Excitement is another “E” word to describe what is overflowing between our Lutheran women. Committees have been prayerfully selected as we begin this new biennium, and now we are ready to continue the path God is designing for us.
October 25th thru October 27th, 2017, each committee member will travel to St. Louis for an Interdepartmental Meeting. Fundamental groundwork will begin here, as we join together Lutheran Women in Mission, motivated by our desire to share the necessary Gospel message of Jesus Christ to a world in need.
Look under The Word above to find helps for sharing and for being in God’s Word. Under Program Helps you can also find a two-year planner, reSOURCES, which is available as a free download or by phone order at 800-252-5965.
We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word (Acts 7: 26).