Sharing Water

โ€œThe water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal lifeโ€ (John 4:14b).

Water is a basic necessity for life. As a youngster growing up in rural South Dakota, I remember when our well went dry. Waiting for a new well to be dug was a hassle. We conserved water and even shared bathwater! Being the only girl, I was allowed to bathe first. We all jumped for joy when the well-diggers struck water.

Over the years, several of our LWML Mission Grants have helped provide clean water. Currently, 2019โ€“2021 LWML Mission Grant #1,โ€œWater and the Word for Rural Schools in Kenya,โ€ is one of those grants. More important, however, than water which comes from an earthly well, is the living water Christ gives us through His grace and mercy. He wants us to share eternity with Him and has made us His children through the waters of Holy Baptism.

I thank God for the opportunity the LWML has to share water for drinking and bathing, but also to provide the knowledge of His living water to others throughout the world.
