Washed Clean in Christ

During this time of social distancing and closed gyms, I have been walking a lot. During my walk this past Sunday, our worship service was being broadcast on Facebook. I turned up the volume and listened as I walked.

Our pastor was focusing on the fact that even though we are not in church, we are being the church wherever we are. We don’t need a building to share the Gospel, to pray for others, or to confess our faith. Even though we are separated from our church family, we are still children of God through our Baptism. Then our pastor made the connection between Baptism and all the hand washing we are to do every day. When we wash our hands, we are reminded of Jesus washing away our sins.

Through Baptism, we have been made sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. He says, “I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1b). Look on the LWML website for devotions on Baptism that will remind you that you are washed clean in Christ.
