Recently, our congregation held an inaugural Happy Birthday Party for children of all ages. As a member of the hosting Board of Education, playing a party game of Pin the Tail on Balaam’s Donkey came to mind as I recalled one of the eight short Bible studies/reflections — Joanna and Balaam — in the LWML book A Missionary? Me? (cph.org) written by LCMS women serving as missionaries. Joanna writes, “God called a donkey to talk. He also calls each of us to our own impossible task for the sake of the Gospel.”
Before playing the game, I told the story of Balaam and his donkey — God used an insignificant donkey to deliver God’s message, thus showing God’s power. God opened Balaam’s eyes revealing the angel of the Lord. I explained that they would be blindfolded and spun around three times, similar to Balaam’s situation. When the blindfold was removed, they would see where their tail was pinned — possibly not where they had anticipated.
Dear Lord, thank You for calling me to be Your missionary wherever and whenever You have need of me. Open my eyes to do Your will even in places I don’t anticipate. Amen.
Michelle Zollinger
LWML Louisiana-Mississippi District President